Knowledge is power.
I have learned so much about the plant-based lifestyle from others over the years. I’m including the resources that I used that helped me transition into a plant-based lifestyle in hopes that it will help you transition too.
Maybe this is the first easy step for you: watch something.
One of the first steps we took when going plant-based was watching documentaries. They’re well done, educational, and inspiring.
“Researchers explore the possibility that people changing their diets from animal-based to plant-based can help eliminate or control diseases like cancer and diabetes.”
Tubi, Vudu, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, Apple TV
Athletes who once ate heavy animal products switched to a plant-based diet and found astronomical improvements in their abilities.
Netflix (Free), Amazon Prime (.99), Apple TV (2.99)
This doc “…critiques the health impact of meat, fish, eggs and dairy products consumption, and questions the practices of leading health and pharmaceutical organizations. Its primary purpose is to advocate for a plant-based diet.”
Netflix, Amazon Prime (3.99), YouTube (3.99)
“Follow the shocking, yet humorous, journey of an aspiring environmentalist, as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing environmental issues and true path to sustainability.”
Netflix, YouTube, Apple, Google Play, Amazon
This series was eye opening to me, especially the episode of chicken farming. “This docuseries travels deep into the heart of the food supply chain to reveal unsavory truths and expose hidden forces that shape what we eat.”
Here are some easy yet incredible informative reads. Don’t forge to support your local bookstore!
Remember that you can always peruse your local library! I found a plethora of plant-based literature there along with great cookbooks.
By Simon Hill. Simon is a registered dietician that breaks down credible science and research to give us the facts about diet and nutrition.
By Dr. Will Bulsiewisc. 97% of Americans don’t get the daily recommended amount of fiber. Dr. B, a gaestroenterologist, explains the relationship between fiber, you gut health, and how it effects the entire body. BONUS: this book has a 4-week meal plan and recipes in the back that are amazing.
by Joel Fuhrman. Dr. Fuhrlman gives a formula for fast and sustained weight loss. My husband read this in 2015 and “ate to live”, losing 25 pounds.
by Dr. Jean Stone and Dr. Michael Greger. Take a look into the research of why American’s are becoming diseased and dying, and how not to do that.
I have these cookbooks, however I read through and browsed so many others by checking them out at my local library! Anything from the basics of vegan/gluten-free baking to salsa making to soul food made vegan! I highly encourage you to check that out if you’re on a budget!
by Dreena Burton. Her recipes are plant-based and everything we’ve tried tastes amazing.
Recipes in the back by Alex Caspero. Her recipes are some of the most flavorful yet easy recipes we’ve had. You can also find her on Instagram.
by Dan Buettner. Dan founded the Blue Zones of the globe, where there’s the greatest amount of population that live to be 100. The recipes are delicious and cultural, plant-based, and the pictures and stories are amazing.
A very strict yet incredibly healthy cookbook. We still frequent the seasoning blend and the date balls!
Online Recipes
I’m so thankful that so many people are sharing information for free. These websites became an everyday resource for me to keep going and stay inspired and excited about plant-based cooking.
For your convenience, I’ve included a link in the drop down menu. Happy browsing!
I love Nora’a recipes! We made her vegan/plant-based lasagna countless times when first transitioning! Check out her blog and fabulous recipes!
1-pot, 30 min, or 10 ingredients or less! SO many great recipes. Can’t tell you how many we’ve made over the years. It used to be a one-girl show, and now Minimalist Baker is a small empire in a corner of the internet making a BIG difference!
I found so many gret vegan/plant-based recipes on this site by seaching “Vegan.” I frequented this website probably the most for inspiration!
This site was always one of the first to pop-up on search engines. Great recipes for transition meals for sure!
I didn’t discover this website and recipes until later in the game, but it’s such a wonderful resource that just seems to keep expanding its arsenal of resources! I’ve found that for our family I double these recipes most times.
This is a great resource for easy recipes that are easy on the purse strings, too!
Dreena’s recipes are so delicious and kid friendly! They also are so well thought out and incorporate some great whole plant-based foods!
I actually had some success finding great recipes like Lentil Loaf off Tasty! Give it a search — they now have an entire Vegan category!
Nisha is so entertaining to watch cook! I love watching her. She has so many recipes up on her site. We’ve tried some from her Instant Pot cookbook and loved them!
The gram is the only real social media I have. The only reason I got an instagram was to share our plant-based journey and recipes haha.
Here are some people/pages that I found to be very inspirational and educational in the plant-based realm!
Another easy and incredibly informative source of information! Here are some of mine and my husband’s favorites. Give an episode a listen while doing various chores around the house, driving, etc.