The Plant-Based Cajun

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Plant-Based/Vegan Lobster Ravioli

RECIPE BELOW!! This recipe is PLANT-BASED/VEGAN you guys!!! 🎉 NO meat, dairy, or any other animal products!! Yes, I'll wait for you to do your happy dance...

✨ Simple & fresh homemade pasta
✨ Simple cashew/tofu ricotta cheese, lightly seasoned
✨ Simply sautéed white mushrooms with shallot, celery, and Old Bay seasoning
✨ Topped with a simple warmed blush tomato sauce & fresh parsley for garnish
🌱 All in all, it's 4 simple recipes put together to make an amazingly tasty seafoodless dish!

🦞 Who would have thought that a Melissa & Doug Pasta toy set would inspire this?! LOL! We were playing with it Christmas night, and it jogged some memories! Back when Olive Garden first came to town, it was one of my then boyfriend now husband's fancier go-to places for date night. What did I always get?? The lobster ravioli with the sautéd shrimp on top with the blush sauce. Oh my goooosh it was great! Now being a much more experienced cook, I wanted to re-create that in a plant-based/vegan form!

This isn't the quickest meal, and it tastes some ingredients, but it's REALLY delicious!! My mom even ate the leftover filling by itself it was that good! I had 5 different people, vegan & non-vegans alike, taste the ravioli, and it's cajun approved! "Wow, how does this taste like real seafood?!"

In the video, I tried 2 different ravioli: the spinach and the "lobster." 4/5 people liked the lobster better, and 1/5 preferred the spinach. So I'll be posting the lobster recipe. NOTE: It would be great to separate some sautéed mushrooms out for topping the ravioli for an extra "wow" factor & some added texture and flavor! ENJOY Y'ALL!!

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