The Plant-Based Cajun

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Perfect Vegan Pancakes

✨*no filter* ALL FLUFF!✨ RECIPE BELOW!

🥣 We make breakfast every weekend! It’s a fun tradition that I started with my kiddos, but truth be told it’s also rooted in solving a problem: being out of almost everything (all produce, oats, etc) at weeks end! 😂 We always have flour atop the pantry, and everything just sort of falls into place. I mean, who doesn’t love a great, hot, fluffy pancake?! It’s easy to do, too!

✨🤫 THE SECRET TO FLUFFY VEGAN PANCAKES: Cream of tartar! It’s a byproduct of wine making that has a variety of uses, and increasing volume is a major one!

🌱 Cream of tartar acts as a stabilizer for the mixture, increases volume, AND also works in conjunction with baking powder & baking soda by helping them activate as rising agents!!! It’s literally a formula for total fluff!!

👉🏻(...But this ain’t fluff, I’m for real!)

🤤Try these babies out this weekend! Or tomorrow! Or for supper, if you’re a “breakfast for supper is acceptable & cool” kinda person!

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