The Plant-Based Cajun

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Plant-Based Swaps

This is for you…. my fellow Cajun, who only wants meat, rice and gravy…. who only really wants white rice and white bread… who hates the taste and texture of beans… who prefers things fried over grilled… who puts butter on crackers at restaurants. I understand.

It can be scary to try something new, especially when there’s so much stake into cooking and tradition. I mean, EVERYONE makes a gumbo when the weather cools off. Most Cajuns stand around cooking jambalaya (beer in hand) while watching or waiting for the football game. It’s so ingrained in our way of life that it can be hard to see it otherwise.

I’m not asking you to change 180. I’m asking for some open mindedness and exploring of new foods you may have never tried (or like even).

Here’s a compilation of some plant-based swap recipes. Recipes that swap out an unhealthy ingredient for a healthi-er option. “But cauliflower fried isn’t that healthy!” True. BUT if they way we’re going to get you, your spouse, uncle, mom or dad to try cauliflower, then we’re gunna do it!

Just click the picture and it will bring you to the recipe! I hope this helps some of you on your quest for better health.

A plus tard…